Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 2022

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Insight into PPER 2022: Extended PPE Regulations in the UK

Introduction to PPER 2022

On 6th April 2022, the Personal Protective Equipment at Work Amendment Regulations 2022 (PPER 2022) were enacted. These amendments expanded upon the PPER 1992 by broadening the scope to include both Limb A and Limb B workers.

Decoding Limb A and Limb B Workers

Per the UK's Employment Rights Act 1996, Section 230, Part 3, the term 'worker' has two distinct classifications:

  1. Limb A: Pertains to workers under a contract of employment. They're recognised as employees by the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and were already encompassed in the PPER 1992.
  2. Limb B: Encompasses workers with a more informal employment relationship, working under a contract for services. Until PPER 2022, they weren't included in the PPER 1992's purview.

Characteristics of Limb B Workers

Workers typically falling under the Limb B classification:

  • Engage in casual or regular work across multiple organisations.
  • Receive holiday pay post one month of continuous service but lack other employment rights.
  • Primarily undertake work they're inclined to and possess limited delegation rights.
  • Hold contracts, whether verbal or written, for personal service provision in exchange for compensation.
  • Operate outside the scope of independent business owners.

Responsibilities Under PPER 2022

While the core duties from PPER 1992 remain intact, PPER 2022 augments them to cover Limb B workers:

  • If PPE is mandated, employers must equip workers with comprehensive information, guidance, and training on PPE usage.
  • Limb B workers must utilise PPE per received training and ensure its return to designated storage areas.
  • Upon deducing PPE necessity through risk assessment for a Limb B worker, employers must perform a PPE aptness check, supply PPE without charge, and oversee its maintenance and storage.
  • Workers must diligently use PPE based on employer-provided training and report any issues or losses promptly.

Note: These modifications exclude staff with self-employed status.